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Gazing and frowning as a new human--computer interaction technique

Published: 01 July 2004 Publication History


The present aim was to study a new technique for human--computer interaction. It combined the use of two modalities, voluntary gaze direction and voluntary facial muscle activation for object pointing and selection. Fourteen subjects performed a series of pointing tasks with the new technique and with a mouse. At short distances the mouse was significantly faster than the new technique. However, there were no statistically significant differences at medium and long distances between the techniques. Fitts' law analyses were performed both by using only error-free trials and using also data including error trials (i.e., effective target width). In all cases both techniques seemed to follow Fitts' law, although for the new technique the effective target width correlation coefficient was smaller R = 0.776 than for the mouse R = 0.991. The regression slopes suggested that at very long distances (i.e., beyond 800 pixels) the new technique might be faster than the mouse. The new technique showed promising results already after a short practice and in the future it could be useful especially for physically challenged persons.


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ACM Transactions on Applied Perception  Volume 1, Issue 1
July 2004
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Published: 01 July 2004
Published in TAP Volume 1, Issue 1


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  1. Gaze direction
  2. electromyography
  3. facial muscle activity


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