Cited By
View all- Liu DSarkar SSriskandarajah C(2010)Resource Allocation Policies for Personalization in Content Delivery SitesInformation Systems Research10.1287/isre.1080.023021:2(227-248)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2010
Context-aware recommender systems CARS take context into consideration when modeling user preferences. There are two general ways to integrate context with recommendation: contextual filtering and contextual modeling. Currently, the most effective ...
Over the past two decades, the large evolution of software engineering, telecommunication and pervasive devices has lead to emergence of a new vision of development aiming at building systems to meet more complex and personalised needs known as context-...
Context-aware recommender systems (CARS) have been demonstrated to be able to enhance recommendations by adapting users' preferences to different contextual situations. In recent years, several CARS algorithms have been developed to incorporated into the ...
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