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Analytical computation of Ehrhart polynomials: enabling more compiler analyses and optimizations

Published: 22 September 2004 Publication History


Many optimization techniques, including several targeted specifically at embedded systems, depend on the ability to calculate the number of elements that satisfy certain conditions. If these conditions can be represented by linear constraints, then such problems are equivalent to counting the number of integer points in (possibly) parametric polytopes. It is well known that this parametric count can be represented by a set of Ehrhart polynomials. Previously, interpolation was used to obtain these polynomials, but this technique has several disadvantages. Its worst-case computation time for a single Ehrhart polynomial is exponential in the input size, even for fixed dimensions. The worst-case size of such an Ehrhart polynomial (measured in bits needed to represent the polynomial) is also exponential in the input size. Under certain conditions this technique even fails to produce a solution.Our main contribution is a novel method for calculating Ehrhart polynomials analytically. It extends an existing method, based on Barvinok's decomposition, for counting the number of integer points in a non-parametric polytope. Our technique always produces a solution and computes polynomially-sized Ehrhart polynomials in polynomial time (for fixed dimensions).


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  1. Analytical computation of Ehrhart polynomials: enabling more compiler analyses and optimizations



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        cover image ACM Conferences
        CASES '04: Proceedings of the 2004 international conference on Compilers, architecture, and synthesis for embedded systems
        September 2004
        324 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

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        Published: 22 September 2004


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        Author Tags

        1. Barvinok's decomposition
        2. Ehrhart polynomial
        3. compiler analysis
        4. parametric polytope
        5. polyhedral model
        6. quasi-polynomial
        7. signed unimodular decomposition


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