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Variational normal meshes

Published: 01 October 2004 Publication History


Hierarchical representations of surfaces have many advantages for digital geometry processing applications. <i>Normal meshes</i> are particularly attractive since their level-to-level displacements are in the local normal direction only. Consequently, they only require scalar coefficients to specify. In this article, we propose a novel method to approximate a given mesh with a normal mesh. Instead of building an associated parameterization on the fly, we assume a globally smooth parameterization at the beginning and cast the problem as one of perturbing this parameterization. Controlling the magnitude of this perturbation gives us explicit control over the range between fully constrained (only scalar coefficients) and unconstrained (3-vector coefficients) approximations. With the unconstrained problem giving the lowest approximation error, we can thus characterize the error cost of normal meshes as a function of the number of nonnormal offsets---we find a significant gain for little (error) cost. Because the normal mesh construction creates a <i>geometry driven</i> approximation, we can replace the difficult geometric distance minimization problem with a much simpler least squares problem. This variational approach reduces magnitude <i>and</i> structure (aliasing) of the error further. Our method separates the parameterization construction into an initial setup followed only by subsequent perturbations, giving us an algorithm which is far simpler to implement, more robust, and significantly faster.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Graphics
ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 23, Issue 4
October 2004
145 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2004
Published in TOG Volume 23, Issue 4


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  1. (semi-)regular meshes
  2. Hierarchy
  3. normal meshes
  4. resampling
  5. subdivision
  6. surface approximation


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  • (2015)Semi-Regular Triangle RemeshingComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/cgf.1246134:1(86-102)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2015
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