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Information flow in hybrid systems

Published: 01 November 2004 Publication History


Our aim is to study the information flow problem in hybrid systems, namely systems consisting of a discrete program with an analog environment. Information flows compromise the security of a system because they cause leakage of protected information. In order to tackle information flow in real-life systems, we introduce new classes of hybrid systems that extend the known ones while preserving their properties. Then, we define a logic to specify information flow. By means of some examples, we show that, by this logic, we are able to express information flows in hybrid systems and to certify that some suspect behaviors of these systems do not give rise to any information flow. We give a model checking procedure for our logic, and we prove that it gives a correct answer whenever it terminates. Moreover, for a particular class of hybrid systems, we give a version of the procedure that always terminates.


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  • (2007)Expressive power of hybrid systems with real variables, integer variables and arraysJournal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics10.5555/1463079.146308212:3(373-405)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007



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ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  Volume 3, Issue 4
November 2004
203 pages
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Published: 01 November 2004
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  • (2007)Expressive power of hybrid systems with real variables, integer variables and arraysJournal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics10.5555/1463079.146308212:3(373-405)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007

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