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Measuring the conceptual fitness of an application in a computing ecosystem

Published: 05 November 2004 Publication History


Developing computing applications that can match a set of evolving requirements requires an understanding of the conceptual fitness of these applications relative to the domains they purport to serve. We present the computing ecosystem framework with its associated concepts, use niches, use potential, and activation potential. We show how the ecosystem framework allows us to characterize the usefulness of an application through the concept of fitness. We propose a method for measuring the fitness of an application using a metric called ontological coverage.
We first use a technique called ontological excavation that identifies the user-visible concepts from applications and models them in an ontology. We then use a set of use cases to develop a use case silhouette on the ontology that allows us to measure the ontological coverage of an application as an initial approximation of fitness to a use niche. We present some examples from case studies showing how use case silhouettes can be used to measure the fitness of an application and conclude with some proposals for future work.


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WISER '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM workshop on Interdisciplinary software engineering research
November 2004
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Published: 05 November 2004


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  1. activation cost
  2. activation energy
  3. computing ecosystem
  4. conceptual fitness
  5. ontological excavation
  6. software evolution
  7. use niche
  8. use potential
  9. usefulness


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