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View all- Alves MMatias Rde Freitas Filho PBuckley SMiller J(2014)Modeling and simulation applied to capacity planning of voice gatewaysProceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference10.5555/2693848.2694243(3143-3154)Online publication date: 7-Dec-2014
- Steinmann Gde Freitas Filho PHill RKuhl M(2013)Using simulation to evaluate call forecasting algorithms for inbound call centerProceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World10.5555/2675983.2676126(1132-1139)Online publication date: 8-Dec-2013
- Munoz DBrutus MHill RKuhl M(2013)Understanding the trade-offs in a call centerProceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World10.5555/2675983.2675942(3992-3993)Online publication date: 8-Dec-2013
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