Cited By
View all- Chahar KCheng CPranoto Y(2011)Strategic crew planning tool in railroadProceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference10.5555/2431518.2431957(3693-3703)Online publication date: 11-Dec-2011
- Franzese LFioroni MPinheiro LSoares JNicol DFujimoto R(2006)Allocating field service teams with simulation in energy/utilities environmentProceedings of the 38th conference on Winter simulation10.5555/1218112.1218210(516-520)Online publication date: 3-Dec-2006
- Fioroni MFranzese LPereira NMachado M(2005)Railroad infrastructure simulatorProceedings of the 37th conference on Winter simulation10.5555/1162708.1163187(2581-2584)Online publication date: 4-Dec-2005