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Optimal File-Bundle Caching Algorithms for Data-Grids

Published: 06 November 2004 Publication History


The file-bundle caching problem arises frequently in scientific applications where jobs process several files concurrently. Consider a host system in a data-grid that maintains a disk cache for servicing jobs of file requests where a job is serviced only if all its requested files are present in the disk cache. Files must now be admitted into the cache and replaced in sets of file-bundles. We show that traditional caching algorithms based on file popularity measures do not perform well since they may hold in cache non-relevant combinations of files. We present and analyze a new caching algorithm for maximizing the throughput of jobs and minimizing data replacement costs at such data-grid hosts. We tested the new algorithm using a disk cache simulation model under a wide range of conditions of file request distributions, varying cache size, file size distribution, etc. The results show significant improvement over traditional caching algorithms.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SC '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing
November 2004
724 pages



IEEE Computer Society

United States

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Published: 06 November 2004

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