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Strategies and business models in electronic retailing: indications from the U.S. and the UK

Published: 25 March 2004 Publication History


In e-commerce a large variety of business models for selling goods online has emerged. But most known approaches are focused on e-commerce in general and do not reflect characteristics of e-tailing. The objective of this paper is the development of a research framework and an empirical evaluation in order to analyze e-tail business models on behalf of retail functions. This framework is extended to multi-channel retailing, and is applied for an empirical study among 60 online shops of major U.S. and UK multi-channel retailers. The main findings of the website analysis show that two main approaches can be identified: there are retailers that focus on the pure shopping function of their online shops. In contrast, there are also players that enrich their online shops with additional functions such as information, communities, and service. In many cases a strong integration of online with store-based distribution channels can be shown.


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  • (2006)Measuring performance in the retail industry (position paper)Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Business Process Management Workshops10.1007/11837862_14(129-140)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2006



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ICEC '04: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Electronic commerce
March 2004
684 pages
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  • ICEC: International Center for Electronic Commerce


Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 25 March 2004


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  1. business models
  2. digital distribution channels
  3. electronic commerce
  4. electronic retailing
  5. multi-channel retailing


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  • (2017)Value and RiskApps Management and E-Commerce Transactions in Real-Time10.4018/978-1-5225-2449-6.ch013(274-292)Online publication date: 2017
  • (2017)Apps-Commerce in Emerging MarketsApps Management and E-Commerce Transactions in Real-Time10.4018/978-1-5225-2449-6.ch003(51-69)Online publication date: 2017
  • (2006)Measuring performance in the retail industry (position paper)Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Business Process Management Workshops10.1007/11837862_14(129-140)Online publication date: 4-Sep-2006

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