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10.1145/1052220.1052303acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicecConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Post Disney experience paradigm?: some implications for the development of content to mobile tourist services

Published: 25 March 2004 Publication History


This paper presents and discusses a conceptual framework for a location based mobile ICT system for the tourist industry. The issues presented originates from ideas and intentions in a specific Danish tourism project "Mobile Digital City and Nature Walks - development of content and software for a mobile tourism device".The article outlines how mobile ICT services can add value to the tourism experience and to the visitor destinations in the proposed project. Some implications for the development of content for mobile tourist services is presented: a) the good tourism experience according to the industry and b) experiences from qualitative studies of tourism. Finally the paper outlines main challenges in the project in terms of content development, technology and tourism industry. The contours of a new experience paradigm, when convergent and pervasive technologies have been implemented in 5-10 years, is also presented.


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ICEC '04: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Electronic commerce
March 2004
684 pages
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  • ICEC: International Center for Electronic Commerce


Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 25 March 2004


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  1. experience design
  2. mobile content
  3. mobile tourism service
  4. qualitative tourism studies
  5. sustainable development


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  • (2010)Disclosing the Tourism Dynamic PackagesENTERprise Information Systems10.1007/978-3-642-16402-6_25(230-240)Online publication date: 2010
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