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Schedulability-driven frame packing for multicluster distributed embedded systems

Published: 01 February 2005 Publication History


We present an approach to frame packing for multicluster distributed embedded systems consisting of time-triggered and event-triggered clusters, interconnected via gateways. In our approach, the application messages are packed into frames such that the application is schedulable, thus the end-to-end message communication constraints are satisfied. We have proposed a schedulability analysis for applications consisting of mixed event-triggered and time-triggered processes and messages, and a worst-case queuing delay analysis for the gateways, responsible for routing inter-cluster traffic. Optimization heuristics for frame packing aiming at producing a schedulable system have been proposed. Extensive experiments and a real-life example show the efficiency of our frame-packing approach.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  Volume 4, Issue 1
February 2005
254 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 February 2005
Published in TECS Volume 4, Issue 1


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  1. Frame packing
  2. distributed embedded systems
  3. schedulability analysis


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