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10.1145/1055558.1055601acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagespodsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Processing first-order queries under limited access patterns

Published: 14 June 2004 Publication History


We study the problem of answering queries over sources with limited access patterns. Given a first-order query Q, the problem is to decide whether there is an equivalent query which can be executed observing the access patterns restrictions. If so, we say that Q is feasible. We define feasible for first-order queries---previous definitions handled only some existential cases---and characterize the complexity of many first-order query classes. For each of them, we show that deciding feasibility is as hard as deciding containment. Since feasibility is undecidable in many cases and hard to decide in some others, we also define an approximation to it which can be computed in NP for any first-order query and in P for unions of conjunctive queries with negation. Finally, we outline a practical overall strategy for processing first-order queries under limited access patterns.


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cover image ACM Conferences
PODS '04: Proceedings of the twenty-third ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems
June 2004
350 pages
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Published: 14 June 2004


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