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View all- Cardoso MSmaniotto GBubolz Ada Rosa Junior Lde Marques F(2018)Area-Aware Design of Static CMOS Complex Gates2018 16th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS)10.1109/NEWCAS.2018.8585570(282-286)Online publication date: Jun-2018
- Cardoso MSmaniotto GMachado JMoreira Mda Rosa LMarques F(2017)Transistor placement strategies for non-series-parallel cells2017 IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)10.1109/MWSCAS.2017.8052975(523-526)Online publication date: Aug-2017
- Lu ALu HJang ELin YHung CChuang CLin RNebel WAtienza D(2015)Simultaneous transistor pairing and placement for CMOS standard cellsProceedings of the 2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition10.5555/2755753.2757194(1647-1652)Online publication date: 9-Mar-2015
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