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Display of virtual braille dots by lateral skin deformation: feasibility study

Published: 01 April 2005 Publication History


When a progressive wave of localized deformations occurs tangentially on the fingerpad skin, one typically experiences the illusion of a small object sliding on it. This effect was investigated because of its potential application to the display of Braille. A device was constructed that could produce such deformation patterns along a line. Blind subjects' ability to read truncated Braille characters (‘○○’, ‘○•’, ‘•○’, and ‘••’) using the device was experimentally tested and compared to their performance with a conventional Braille medium. While subjects could identify two-character strings with a high rate of success, several factors need to be addressed before a display based on this principle can become practical.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Applied Perception
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception  Volume 2, Issue 2
April 2005
112 pages
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Published: 01 April 2005
Published in TAP Volume 2, Issue 2


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  1. Braille display
  2. lateral skin deformation
  3. tactile perception


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