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Extractors with weak random seeds

Published: 22 May 2005 Publication History


We show how to extract random bits from two or more independent weak random sources in cases where only one source is of linear min-entropy and all other sources are of logarithmic min-entropy. Our main results are as follows:
A long line of research, starting by Nisan and Zuckerman[14], gives explicit constructions of seeded-extractors, that is, extractors that use a short seed of truly random bits to extract randomness from a weak random source. For every such extractor E, with seed of length d, we construct an extractor E′, with seed of length d′=O(d), that achieves the same parameters as E but only requires the seed to be of min-entropy larger than (1⁄2+δ) •d′ (rather than fully random), where δ is an arbitrary small constant.
Fundamental results of Chor and Goldreich and Vazirani [6,21] show how to extract Ω(n) random bits from two (independent) sources of length n and min-entropy larger than (1⁄2δ) • n, where δ is an arbitrary small constant. We show how to extract Ω(n) random bits (with optimal probability of error) when only one source is of min-entropy (1⁄2+δ) •n and the other source is of logarithmic min entropy.3
A recent breakthrough of Barak, Impagliazzo and Wigderson[4] shows how to extract Ω(n) random bits from a constant number of (independent) sources of length n and min-entropy larger than δ n, where δ is an arbitrary small constant. We show how to extract Ω (n) random bits (with optimal probability of error) when only one source is of min-entropy δ n and all other (constant number of) sources are of logarithmic min-entropy.
A very recent result of Barak, Kindler, Shaltiel, Sudakov and Wigderson[5] shows how to extract a constant number of random bits from three (independent) sources of length n and min-entropy larger than δn, where δ is an arbitrary small constant. We show how to extract Ω(n)/ random bits, with sub-constant probability of error, from one source of min-entropy δ n and two sources of logarithmic min-entropy.
In the same paper, Barak, Kindler, Shaltiel, Sudakov and Wigderson[5] give an explicit coloring of the complete bipartite graph of size 2n x 2n with two colors, such that there is no monochromatic subgraph of size larger than 2δn x 2 2δn, where δ is an arbitrary small constant. We give an explicit coloring of the complete bipartite graph of size 2n x 2n with a constant number of colors, such that there is no monochromatic subgraph of size larger than 2δn x n5.
We also give improved constructions of mergers and condensers. In particular,
We show that using a constant number of truly random bits, one can condense a source of length n and min-entropy rate δ into a source of length Ω (n) and min-entropy rate 1-δ, where δ is an arbitrary small constant.
We show that using a constant number of truly random bits, one can merge a constant number of sources of length n, such that at least one of them is of min-entropy rate 1-δ, into one source of length Ω(n) and min-entropy rate slightly less than 1-δ, where δ is any small constant.


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  1. Extractors with weak random seeds



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    STOC '05: Proceedings of the thirty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing
    May 2005
    778 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 22 May 2005


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    Author Tags

    1. Ramsey graphs
    2. condensers
    3. explicit constructions
    4. extractors
    5. mergers
    6. pseudorandomness
    7. random sources
    8. randomness extraction


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    STOC05: Symposium on Theory of Computing
    May 22 - 24, 2005
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