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Integrating tradeoff support in product search tools for e-commerce sites

Published: 05 June 2005 Publication History


In a previously reported user study, we found that users were able to perform decision tradeoff tasks more efficiently and commit considerably fewer errors with the example critiquing interface than with the ranked list. We concluded that example-based search tools were likely to be useful particularly for extending the scope of consumer e-commerce to more complex products where decision making is critical. This paper presents results from a follow-up user study quantifying the benefits of tradeoff support. Users were able to refine the quality of their preference structures and improve decision accuracy by up to 57% after performing tradeoff tasks. Tradeoff support also significantly increased users' confidence in their choices. Together, these two studies show that example critiquing enables users to more accurately find what they want and be confident in their choices, while only requiring a level of effort that is comparable to the ranked list interface.


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cover image ACM Conferences
EC '05: Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Electronic commerce
June 2005
302 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 05 June 2005


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  1. SmartClient systems
  2. consumer e-commerce
  3. decision support
  4. empirical user study
  5. example critiquing interactions


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