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10.1145/1065385.1065458acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesjcdlConference Proceedingsconference-collections

E-library of medieval chant manuscript transcriptions

Published: 07 June 2005 Publication History


In this paper we present our rationale and design principles for a distributed e-library of medieval chant manuscript transcriptions. We describe the great variety in neumatic notations, in order to motivate a standardised data representation that is lossless and universal with respect to these musical artefacts. We present some details of the data representation and an XML Schema for describing and delivering transcriptions via the Web. We argue against proposed data formats that look simpler, on the grounds that they will inevitably lead to fragmentation of digital libraries. We plan to develop applications software that will allow users to take full advantage of the carefully designed representation we describe, while shielding users from its complexity. We argue that a distributed e-library of this kind will greatly facilitate scholarship, education, and public appreciation of these artefacts.


Barton, Louis W. G., "Data Representation for an Archaic Writing System," Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. II (CSREA, 2002); online at /Barton_Archaic_Writing.pdf.
------, "The NEUMES Project: Digital Transcription of Medieval Chant Manuscripts," Proceedings of the Second International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music, (IEEE Computer Society, 2002).
Cardine, Eguene, Gregorian Semiology, R. Fowles, tr., (Sablé-sur-Sarthe, France: Solesmes, {1970} 1982).
Castan, Gerd, "Music Notation," online at
Elemans, Jacqueline "Statistical relationships between chant manuscripts," read at the Cantus Planus conference, Lillafüred, 2004, {forthcoming: Institute of Musicology, Budapest, 2006}.
Ensemble Giles Binchois, Les Trois Maries, (EMI, CD ALL429). Hear the Kyrie Trope and Offertory tracks, to which Vellard gives especially mellifluous interpretation (excerpts online at or Vellard's earlier recordings of chant are mostly out of print.
Keyrouz, Sr Marie, Chant Byzantin; Passion et Resurrection, (Harmonia Mundi, CD 901315). Her renditions sound more like the Muslim Adhan, or call to prayer - characterized by quartertones, dissonance, decoration, and rapturous delivery - than to Gregorian chant as it is normally sung today.
Liber Usualis, Benedictines of Solesmes, eds., (Tournai, Belgium: Desclée, {1903} 1962).
NEUMES Project, "Neumed and Ekphonetic Universal Manuscript Encoding Standard," online at
Selfridge-Field, Eleanor, ed., Beyond MIDI; The Handbook of Musical Codes, (Cambridge: MIT, 1997).
Solesmes, Monks of, Graduale Triplex, (Tournai, Belgium: Desclée, {1970} 1979).
------, The Musical Notation of Latin Liturgical Chants, (Sablé-sur-Sarthe, France: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, 1991).
------, Paléographie musicale, (Sablé-sur-Sarthe, France: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, 1889-).
Treitler, Leo, "Homer and Gregory: The Transmission of Epic Poetry and Plainchant," The Musical Quarterly, vol. LX, no. 3 (July 1974); revised in {16}.
------, "Medieval Improvisation," The World of Music, vol. 33 (1991); revised in {16}.
------, With Voice and Pen; Coming to Know Medieval Song and How it was Made, (Oxford: University of Oxford, 2003); includes audio CD of musical examples.
Wright, Craig M., Music and Ceremony at Notre Dame of Paris, 500-1550, (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University, 1989).

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  • (2016)Glyph MinerProceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries10.1145/2910896.2910915(31-34)Online publication date: 19-Jun-2016
  • (2014)Automatic Recognition of Square Notation Symbols in Western Plainchant ManuscriptsJournal of New Music Research10.1080/09298215.2014.93143843:4(390-399)Online publication date: 10-Jul-2014
  • (2008)KISS Considered Harmful in Digitization of Medieval Chant ManuscriptsProceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Automated solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-channel Distribution10.1109/AXMEDIS.2008.46(195-203)Online publication date: 17-Nov-2008
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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
JCDL '05: Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries
June 2005
450 pages
  • General Chair:
  • Mary Marlino,
  • Program Chairs:
  • Tamara Sumner,
  • Frank Shipman
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 07 June 2005


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  1. XML
  2. chant
  3. comparison
  4. data representation
  5. digital libraries
  6. medieval manuscripts
  7. musical notation
  8. search
  9. transcription


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  • (2016)Glyph MinerProceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS on Joint Conference on Digital Libraries10.1145/2910896.2910915(31-34)Online publication date: 19-Jun-2016
  • (2014)Automatic Recognition of Square Notation Symbols in Western Plainchant ManuscriptsJournal of New Music Research10.1080/09298215.2014.93143843:4(390-399)Online publication date: 10-Jul-2014
  • (2008)KISS Considered Harmful in Digitization of Medieval Chant ManuscriptsProceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Automated solutions for Cross Media Content and Multi-channel Distribution10.1109/AXMEDIS.2008.46(195-203)Online publication date: 17-Nov-2008
  • (2008)Optical recognition of psaltic Byzantine chant notationInternational Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition10.1007/s10032-008-0074-411:3(143-158)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2008
  • (2007)First class objects and indexes for chant manuscriptsProceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries10.1145/1255175.1255259(415-416)Online publication date: 18-Jun-2007

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