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Adapting branch-target buffer to improve the target predictability of java code

Published: 01 June 2005 Publication History


Java programs are increasing in popularity and prevalence on numerous platforms, including high-performance general-purpose processors. The success of Java technology largely depends on the efficiency in executing the portable Java bytecodes. However, the dynamic characteristics of the Java runtime system present unique performance challenges for several aspects of microarchitecture design. In this work, we focus on the effects of indirect branches on branch-target address prediction performance. Runtime bytecode translation, just-in-time (JIT) compilation, frequent calls to the native interface libraries, and dependence on virtual methods increase the frequency of polymorphic indirect branches. Therefore, accurate target address prediction for indirect branches is very important for Java code.This paper characterizes the indirect branch behavior in Java processing and proposes an adaptive branch-target buffer (BTB) design to enhance the predictability of the targets. Our characterization shows that a traditional BTB will frequently mispredict a few polymorphic indirect branches, significantly deteriorating predictor accuracy in Java processing. Therefore, we propose a rehashable branch-target buffer (R-BTB), which dynamically identifies polymorphic indirect branches and adapts branch-target storage to accommodate multiple targets for a branch.The R-BTB improves the target predictability of indirect branches without sacrificing overall target prediction accuracy. Simulations show that the R-BTB eliminates 61% of the indirect branch mispredictions suffered with a traditional BTB for Java programs running in interpreter mode (46% in JIT mode), which leads to a 57% decrease in overall target address misprediction rate (29% in JIT mode). With an equivalent number of entries, the R-BTB also outperforms the previously proposed target cache scheme for a majority of Java programs by adapting to a greater variety of indirect branch behaviors.

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Herbert G. Mayer

A new architecture that will improve the precision of indirect branch (IB) prediction in Java code is proposed in this paper. Two percent of average object code for C++ contains IBs, while object code for Java and interpreted Java has ten times as many IBs. A large percentage of these Java IBs is polymorphic (namely, has varying target addresses at runtime). Unfortunately, branch prediction with conventional branch target buffer (BTB) methods works poorly for IBs, thus impeding execution speed. The new method uses a rehashable BTB (R-BTB), resulting in highly improved polymorphic branch (PB) prediction. Raising the general target accuracy with moderate hardware cost is achieved by focusing dynamically on a small, critical subset of IBs, and by providing added resources in the R-BTB to store numerous target addresses. The authors use a simulator, allowing full instrumentation of the tested runtime environment, and quantification of a detailed cost-benefit analysis. The paper shows the resulting architectural solution with speedup numbers. After an introduction in section 1, section 2 outlines the simulation framework SimOS, running on IRIX 5.3, and the benchmark used to measure the performance results. Section 3 analyzes the number of IBs in Java code, both for PBs and monomorphic IBs. Details of the rehashable BTB are explained in section 4, while section 5 weighs architecture design trade-offs. Section 6 evaluates the performance of the R-BTB, by comparing its misprediction rate with that of traditional BTBs. Section 7 is a superb survey of related work, and section 8 concludes the paper. Though section 5 is too terse in explaining the various architectural trade-offs of the new R-BTB design, the overall paper is clear and well written, and the subject matter is important. The paper articulates the incremental value of the new branch prediction method. With the growing acceptance of just in time (JIT) compiled mode and interpreted mode in Java, the new ideas offer significant value. R-BTBs can exploit the amazingly great locality of runtime addresses even for polymorphic IBs. Every architect working on a new generation of processors will have to comprehend the key message in this paper, and decide whether or not to implement R-BTB. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization  Volume 2, Issue 2
June 2005
111 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2005
Published in TACO Volume 2, Issue 2


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  1. Computer architecture
  2. Java
  3. branch prediction
  4. branch-target buffer (BTB)
  5. pipelined processor


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