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View all- Moldovan DMihalcea R(2000)Using WordNet and Lexical Operators to Improve Internet SearchesIEEE Internet Computing10.1109/4236.8158474:1(34-43)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2000
The main goal of the SNAP project is to build a massively parallel computer capable of fast and accurate natural language processing [3]. Under NSF funding, a parallel computer was built in the Parallel Knowledge Processing Laboratory at USC and ...
The University of Southern California is participating, for the first time, in the message understanding conferences. A team consisting of one faculty and five doctoral students started the work for MUC-4 in January 1992. This work is an extension of a ...
We present a freely available speech corpus for the Uzbek language and report preliminary automatic speech recognition (ASR) results using both the deep neural network hidden Markov model (DNN-HMM) and end-to-end (E2E) architectures. The Uzbek ...
Association for Computational Linguistics
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