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10.1145/1073970.1074023acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesspaaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Adversarial contention resolution for simple channels

Published: 18 July 2005 Publication History


This paper analyzes the worst-case performance of randomized backoff on simple multiple-access channels. Most previous analysis of backoff has assumed a statistical arrival model.For batched arrivals, in which all n packets arrive at time 0, we show the following tight high-probability bounds. Randomized binary exponential backoff has makespan Θ(nlgn), and more generally, for any constant r, r-exponential backoff has makespan Θ(nloglgr n). Quadratic backoff has makespan Θ((n/lg n)3/2), and more generally, for r>1, r-polynomial backoff has makespan Θ((n/lg n)1+1/r). Thus, for batched inputs, both exponential and polynomial backoff are highly sensitive to backoff constants. We exhibit a monotone superpolynomial subexponential backoff algorithm, called loglog-iterated backoff, that achieves makespan Θ(nlglg n/lglglg n). We provide a matching lower bound showing that this strategy is optimal among all monotone backoff algorithms. Of independent interest is that this lower bound was proved with a delay sequence argument.In the adversarial-queuing model, we present the following stability and instability results for exponential backoff and loglog-iterated backoff. Given a (λ,T)-stream, in which at most nT packets arrive in any interval of size T, exponential backoff is stable for arrival rates of λ=O(1/lgn) and unstable for arrival rates of λ=Ω(lglgn/lgn); loglog-iterated backoff is stable for arrival rates of λ=O(1/(lglgn\lgn)) and unstable for arrival rates of λ=Ω(1/lgn). Our instability results show that bursty input is close to being worst-case for exponential backoff and variants and that even small bursts can create instabilities in the channel.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SPAA '05: Proceedings of the seventeenth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in algorithms and architectures
July 2005
346 pages
  • General Chair:
  • Phil Gibbons,
  • Program Chair:
  • Paul Spirakis
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 18 July 2005


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  1. batch
  2. exponential backoff
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  4. polynomial backoff
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