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SIGACT news complexity theory column 48

Published: 01 September 2005 Publication History


Here is a real gift to the field from David Johnson: After a thirteen year intermission, David is restarting his NP-completeness column. His column will now appear about twice yearly in ACM Transactions on Algorithms. Welcome back David, and thanks! And for those for whom a diet of two per year wont do, meals past can be found at


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J. M. Hitchcock. MAX3SAT is exponentially hard to approximate if NP has positive dimension. Theoretical Computer Science, 289(1):861--869, 2002.]]
J. M. Hitchcock. Effective Fractal Dimension: Foundations and Applications. PhD thesis, Iowa State University, 2003.]]
J. M. Hitchcock. Fractal dimension and logarithmic loss unpredictability. Theoretical Computer Science, 304(1-3):431--441, 2003.]]
J. M. Hitchcock. Hausdor dimension and oracle constructions. Technical Report TR04-072, Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, 2004.]]
J. M. Hitchcock. Small spans in scaled dimension. SIAM Journal on Computing, 34(1):170--194, 2004.]]
J. M. Hitchcock, M. Lopez-Valdes, and E. Mayordomo. Scaled dimension and the Kolmogorov complexity of Turing-hard sets. In Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, pages 476--487. Springer-Verlag, 2004.]]
J. M. Hitchcock and J. H. Lutz. Why computational complexity requires stricter martingales. In Proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, pages 549--560. Springer-Verlag, 2002. To appear in Theory of Computing Systems.]]
J. M. Hitchcock, J. H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Scaled dimension and nonuniform complexity. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 69(2):97--122, 2004.]]
J. M. Hitchcock and A. Pavan. Hardness hypotheses, derandomization, and circuit complexity. In Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, pages 336--347. Springer-Verlag, 2004.]]
J. M. Hitchcock and A. Pavan. Resource-bounded strong dimension versus resource-bounded category. Information Processing Letters, 95(3):377--381, 2005.]]
J. M. Hitchcock, A. Pavan, and N. V. Vinodchandran. Partial bi-immunity, scaled dimension, and NP-completeness. Manuscript, 2005.]]
J. M. Hitchcock and N. V. Vinodchandran. Dimension, entropy rates, and compression. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, pages 174--183. IEEE Computer Society, 2004.]]
R. Impagliazzo and P. Moser. A zero-one law for RP. In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, pages 43--47. IEEE Computer Society, 2003.]]
R. Impagliazzo and A. Wigderson. Randomness vs. time: Derandomization under a uniform assumption. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 63:672--688, 2001.]]
D. W. Juedes and J. H. Lutz. The complexity and distribution of hard problems. SIAM Journal on Computing, 24(2):279--295, 1995.]]
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M. Lopez-Valdes and E. Mayordomo. Dimension is compression. In Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2005. To appear.]]
J. H. Lutz. Category and measure in complexity classes. SIAM Journal on Computing, 19(6):1100--1131, 1990.]]
J. H. Lutz. Almost everywhere high nonuniform complexity. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 44(2):220--258, 1992.]]
J. H. Lutz. The quantitative structure of exponential time. In L. A. Hemaspaandra and A. L. Selman, editors, Complexity Theory Retrospective II, pages 225--254. Springer-Verlag, 1997.]]
J. H. Lutz. Resource-bounded measure. In Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, pages 236--248. IEEE Computer Society, 1998.]]
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J. H. Lutz. Gales and the constructive dimension of individual sequences. In Proceedings of the 27th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, pages 902--913. Springer-Verlag, 2000. Revised as {53}.]]
J. H. Lutz. Dimension in complexity classes. SIAM Journal on Computing, 32(5):1236--1259, 2003.]]
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J. H. Lutz and E. Mayordomo. Cook versus Karp-Levin: Separating completeness notions if NP is not small. Theoretical Computer Science, 164(1-2):141--163, 1996.]]
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  • (2014)Effective dimension in some general metric spacesElectronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science10.4204/EPTCS.143.6143(67-75)Online publication date: 29-Mar-2014
  • (2013)High-confidence predictions under adversarial uncertaintyACM Transactions on Computation Theory10.1145/2493252.24932575:3(1-18)Online publication date: 22-Aug-2013
  • (2012)High-confidence predictions under adversarial uncertaintyProceedings of the 3rd Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference10.1145/2090236.2090237(1-10)Online publication date: 8-Jan-2012
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ACM SIGACT News  Volume 36, Issue 3
September 2005
102 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2005
Published in SIGACT Volume 36, Issue 3

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  • (2014)Effective dimension in some general metric spacesElectronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science10.4204/EPTCS.143.6143(67-75)Online publication date: 29-Mar-2014
  • (2013)High-confidence predictions under adversarial uncertaintyACM Transactions on Computation Theory10.1145/2493252.24932575:3(1-18)Online publication date: 22-Aug-2013
  • (2012)High-confidence predictions under adversarial uncertaintyProceedings of the 3rd Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference10.1145/2090236.2090237(1-10)Online publication date: 8-Jan-2012
  • (2011)Mass problems associated with effectively closed setsTohoku Mathematical Journal10.2748/tmj/132588627863:4Online publication date: 1-Jan-2011
  • (2011)Dimension, Halfspaces, and the Density of Hard SetsTheory of Computing Systems10.1007/s00224-010-9288-149:3(601-614)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2011
  • (2009)A characterization of constructive dimension†Mathematical Logic Quarterly10.1002/malq.20071008755:2(185-200)Online publication date: 20-Jan-2009
  • (2008)Scaled Dimension and the Kolmogorov Complexity of Turing-Hard SetsTheory of Computing Systems10.1007/s00224-007-9013-x43:3(471-497)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2008
  • (2007)Dimension, halfspaces, and the density of hard setsProceedings of the 13th annual international conference on Computing and Combinatorics10.5555/2394650.2394665(129-139)Online publication date: 16-Jul-2007
  • (2007)Dimension, Halfspaces, and the Density of Hard SetsComputing and Combinatorics10.1007/978-3-540-73545-8_15(129-139)Online publication date: 2007
  • (2006)Dimension, entropy rates, and compressionJournal of Computer and System Sciences10.1016/j.jcss.2005.10.00272:4(760-782)Online publication date: 1-Jun-2006
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