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View all- van Brügge JMcKinna JPopescu ATraytel D(2025)Barendregt Convenes with Knaster and Tarski: Strong Rule Induction for Syntax with BindingsProceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages10.1145/37048939:POPL(1687-1718)Online publication date: 9-Jan-2025
- Tasistro ÁCopello ESzasz N(2015)Formalisation in Constructive Type Theory of Stoughton's Substitution for the Lambda CalculusElectronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS)10.1016/j.entcs.2015.04.013312:C(215-230)Online publication date: 24-Apr-2015
- Popescu AGunter EOsborn C(2010)Strong Normalization for System F by HOAS on Top of FOASProceedings of the 2010 25th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science10.1109/LICS.2010.48(31-40)Online publication date: 11-Jul-2010
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