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Database repairing using updates

Published: 01 September 2005 Publication History


Repairing a database means bringing the database in accordance with a given set of integrity constraints by applying some minimal change. If a database can be repaired in more than one way, then the consistent answer to a query is defined as the intersection of the query answers on all repaired versions of the database.Earlier approaches have confined the repair work to deletions and insertions of entire tuples. We propose a theoretical framework that also covers updates as a repair primitive. Update-based repairing is interesting in that it allows rectifying an error within a tuple without deleting the tuple, thereby preserving consistent values in the tuple. Another novel idea is the construct of nucleus: a single database that yields consistent answers to a class of queries, without the need for query rewriting. We show the construction of nuclei for full dependencies and conjunctive queries. Consistent query answering and constructing nuclei is generally intractable under update-based repairing. Nevertheless, we also show some tractable cases of practical interest.


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ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 30, Issue 3
September 2005
226 pages
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Published: 01 September 2005
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