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Set-based vector model: An efficient approach for correlation-based ranking

Published: 01 October 2005 Publication History


This work presents a new approach for ranking documents in the vector space model. The novelty lies in two fronts. First, patterns of term co-occurrence are taken into account and are processed efficiently. Second, term weights are generated using a data mining technique called association rules. This leads to a new ranking mechanism called the set-based vector model. The components of our model are no longer index terms but index termsets, where a termset is a set of index terms. Termsets capture the intuition that semantically related terms appear close to each other in a document. They can be efficiently obtained by limiting the computation to small passages of text. Once termsets have been computed, the ranking is calculated as a function of the termset frequency in the document and its scarcity in the document collection. Experimental results show that the set-based vector model improves average precision for all collections and query types evaluated, while keeping computational costs small. For the 2-gigabyte TREC-8 collection, the set-based vector model leads to a gain in average precision figures of 14.7% and 16.4% for disjunctive and conjunctive queries, respectively, with respect to the standard vector space model. These gains increase to 24.9% and 30.0%, respectively, when proximity information is taken into account. Query processing times are larger but, on average, still comparable to those obtained with the standard vector model (increases in processing time varied from 30% to 300%). Our results suggest that the set-based vector model provides a correlation-based ranking formula that is effective with general collections and computationally practical.


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  1. Set-based vector model: An efficient approach for correlation-based ranking



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      ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 23, Issue 4
      October 2005
      135 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 01 October 2005
      Published in TOIS Volume 23, Issue 4


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      1. Information retrieval models
      2. association rule mining
      3. correlation-based ranking
      4. data mining
      5. weighting index term co-occurrences


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