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10.1145/1096967.1096975acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescikmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

An architecture for the interoperability of workflow models

Published: 04 November 2005 Publication History


The goal of this work is to contribute to the field of interoperability of Workflow models. To achieve interoperability, we have built a generic architecture that addresses three levels of abstraction: a common meta-model that the Workflow models must share, a common model that they enact collectively, and a common data model whose management is shared. So, the approach we have adopted is based on a strategy of uniformity to solve the problems related to the semantic, syntactic and execution platform heterogeneity. The common meta-model gathers the common concepts that are shared between Workflow models and it defines their semantics. Common concepts (activity, event, etc.) that are extracted from different formalisms used in the field of business process (or Workflow) allow us to instantiate a canonical model that describes only common parts (activities, artifacts). As for the common data model, it is instantiated by the common model. For the control interoperability, we have adopted an approach that deals with a flexible connection mechanism based on events through a connection server. This approach can be implemented above any interoperability platform (CORBA, EJB, etc.). Moreover, the shared canonical model that we have proposed is generic, simple and re-usable.


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Cited By

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  • (2015)Towards Automating Inter-organizational Workflow Semantic ResolutionProceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing10.1109/SCC.2015.113(777-781)Online publication date: 27-Jun-2015
  • (2009)WIFAi - A tool suite for the modeling and enactment of inter-organizational workflows2009 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics10.1109/SOLI.2009.5204035(764-769)Online publication date: Jul-2009
  • (2009)Digital Libraries Interoperability Issues2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics10.1109/ICEEI.2009.5254718(329-332)Online publication date: Aug-2009



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cover image ACM Conferences
IHIS '05: Proceedings of the first international workshop on Interoperability of heterogeneous information systems
November 2005
90 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 04 November 2005


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  1. canonical model
  2. common meta-model
  3. event
  4. interoperability
  5. process
  6. semantic
  7. workflow model


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  • (2015)Towards Automating Inter-organizational Workflow Semantic ResolutionProceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing10.1109/SCC.2015.113(777-781)Online publication date: 27-Jun-2015
  • (2009)WIFAi - A tool suite for the modeling and enactment of inter-organizational workflows2009 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics10.1109/SOLI.2009.5204035(764-769)Online publication date: Jul-2009
  • (2009)Digital Libraries Interoperability Issues2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics10.1109/ICEEI.2009.5254718(329-332)Online publication date: Aug-2009

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