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10.1145/1099423.1099434acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Supporting meetings with a goal-driven service-oriented multimedia environment

Published: 11 November 2005 Publication History


During the last decade the number of personal multimedia-enabled devices has increased significantly in everyday usage. Additionally, high-end devices for multimedia environments enable multi-modal human computer interaction and in particular advanced collaboration. Most multimedia environments focus on efficient provisioning of multimedia services but show a lack of user-centric aspects, like explicit reasoning about the users' wishes and fulfillment of requirements.In this paper, we present a novel goal-driven approach for multimedia service composition which is able to reason about the users' demands and to adapt to new context situations in a non-intrusive manner. The fulfillment of goals is assured by hierarchical goal structuring, service provisioning, and evaluation of service fulfillment degrees. We apply this approach to a typical multimedia-enriched meeting scenario described by means of Semantic Web ontologies. A flexible and modular service-oriented software architecture demonstrates the usability of the envisioned companion like smart meeting room.


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Cited By

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  • (2010)Natural Human–Computer InteractionMultimedia Interaction and Intelligent User Interfaces10.1007/978-1-84996-507-1_4(85-106)Online publication date: 2010
  • (2007)Goal annotation of process models for semantic enrichment of process knowledgeProceedings of the 19th international conference on Advanced information systems engineering10.5555/1768029.1768063(355-369)Online publication date: 11-Jun-2007
  • (2007)Goal Annotation of Process Models for Semantic Enrichment of Process KnowledgeActive Flow and Combustion Control 201810.1007/978-3-540-72988-4_25(355-369)Online publication date: 2007



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cover image ACM Conferences
MSC '05: Proceedings of the first ACM international workshop on Multimedia service composition
November 2005
72 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 11 November 2005


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  1. goal-driven architecture
  2. semantic web
  3. service-oriented architecture


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MM&Sec '05
MM&Sec '05: Multimedia and Security Workshop 2005
November 11, 2005
Hilton, Singapore


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  • (2010)Natural Human–Computer InteractionMultimedia Interaction and Intelligent User Interfaces10.1007/978-1-84996-507-1_4(85-106)Online publication date: 2010
  • (2007)Goal annotation of process models for semantic enrichment of process knowledgeProceedings of the 19th international conference on Advanced information systems engineering10.5555/1768029.1768063(355-369)Online publication date: 11-Jun-2007
  • (2007)Goal Annotation of Process Models for Semantic Enrichment of Process KnowledgeActive Flow and Combustion Control 201810.1007/978-3-540-72988-4_25(355-369)Online publication date: 2007

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