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Reasoning about static and dynamic properties in alloy: A purely relational approach

Published: 01 October 2005 Publication History


We study a number of restrictions associated with the first-order relational specification language Alloy. The main shortcomings we address are:---the lack of a complete calculus for deduction in Alloy's underlying formalism, the so called relational logic,---the inappropriateness of the Alloy language for describing (and analyzing) properties regarding execution traces.The first of these points was not regarded as an important issue during the genesis of Alloy, and therefore has not been taken into account in the design of the relational logic. The second point is a consequence of the static nature of Alloy specifications, and has been partly solved by the developers of Alloy; however, their proposed solution requires a complicated and unstructured characterization of executions.We propose to overcome the first problem by translating relational logic to the equational calculus of fork algebras. Fork algebras provide a purely relational formalism close to Alloy, which possesses a complete equational deductive calculus. Regarding the second problem, we propose to extend Alloy by adding actions. These actions, unlike Alloy functions, do modify the state. Much the same as programs in dynamic logic, actions can be sequentially composed and iterated, allowing them to state properties of execution traces at an appropriate level of abstraction.Since automatic analysis is one of Alloy's main features, and this article aims to provide a deductive calculus for Alloy, we show that:---the extension hereby proposed does not sacrifice the possibility of using SAT solving techniques for automated analysis,---the complete calculus for the relational logic is straightforwardly extended to a complete calculus for the extension of Alloy.


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Rosziati Ibrahim

Alloy is a first-order relational specification language that originates from the Z formal specification language, which is based on mathematical models and notations. Alloy is defined using a relational logic (RL), a logic with a clear semantics based on relations and a counter-example extraction mechanism for its analysis technique. In this context, the tool is used to search for counter-examples of specifications for the purpose of validation. The advantage of Alloy is its ability to automate the process for the analysis of specifications. However, Alloy still has room for improvement. In this paper, the authors introduce two new features of the Alloy language. First, they introduce the fork relational logic (FRL) as the equational calculus of fork algebras in Alloy. This is used to deal with deduction in the language. Second, the authors extend the language to incorporate actions that enhance the FRL's expressiveness with dynamic logic features. The authors took a very systematic approach in their paper, providing a solid overview of Alloy. They begin by introducing the Alloy specification language using a simple example: specifying systems involving memories with cache. They then summarize the features and deficiencies of Alloy, and introduce the two new features (mentioned above). In formal specification languages, symbols and notations are used to analyze and design software. The symbols and notations used in this paper require readers to be familiar with Alloy specifications. This paper is recommended for readers who are interested in the Alloy language. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 14, Issue 4
October 2005
146 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2005
Published in TOSEM Volume 14, Issue 4


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  1. Alloy
  2. fork algebras
  3. relational specifications


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