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Extracting information from multimedia meeting collections

Published: 10 November 2005 Publication History


Multimedia meeting collections, composed of unedited audio and video streams, handwritten notes, slides, and electronic documents that jointly constitute a raw record of complex human interaction processes in the workplace, have attracted interest due to the increasing feasibility of recording them in large quantities, by the opportunities for information access and retrieval applications derived from the automatic extraction of relevant meeting information, and by the challenges that the extraction of semantic information from real human activities entails. In this paper, we present a succint overview of recent approaches in this field, largely influenced by our own experiences. We first review some of the existing and potential needs for users of multimedia meeting information systems. We then summarize recent work on various research areas addressing some of these requirements. In more detail, we describe our work on automatic analysis of human interaction patterns from audio-visual sensors, discussing open issues in this domain.


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  • (2012)Inferring competitive role patterns in reality TV show through nonverbal analysisMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-010-0545-856:1(207-226)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012
  • (2009)Automatic nonverbal analysis of social interaction in small groupsImage and Vision Computing10.1016/j.imavis.2009.01.00427:12(1775-1787)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2009
  • (2008)Audio analysis for multimedia retrieval from a ubiquitous homeProceedings of the 14th international conference on Advances in multimedia modeling10.5555/1785794.1785846(466-476)Online publication date: 9-Jan-2008
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cover image ACM Conferences
MIR '05: Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGMM international workshop on Multimedia information retrieval
November 2005
274 pages
  • General Chairs:
  • Hongjiang Zhang,
  • John Smith,
  • Qi Tian
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Published: 10 November 2005


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  1. graphical models
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  • (2012)Inferring competitive role patterns in reality TV show through nonverbal analysisMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-010-0545-856:1(207-226)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012
  • (2009)Automatic nonverbal analysis of social interaction in small groupsImage and Vision Computing10.1016/j.imavis.2009.01.00427:12(1775-1787)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2009
  • (2008)Audio analysis for multimedia retrieval from a ubiquitous homeProceedings of the 14th international conference on Advances in multimedia modeling10.5555/1785794.1785846(466-476)Online publication date: 9-Jan-2008
  • (2008)Audio Analysis for Multimedia Retrieval from a Ubiquitous HomeAdvances in Multimedia Modeling10.1007/978-3-540-77409-9_44(466-476)Online publication date: 2008
  • (2007)Speakers Role Recognition in Multiparty Audio Recordings Using Social Network Analysis and Duration Distribution ModelingIEEE Transactions on Multimedia10.1109/TMM.2007.9028829:6(1215-1226)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2007

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