Cited By
View all- Seomun JPaik SShin YLin Y(2010)Bounded potential slackProceedings of the 2010 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference10.5555/1899721.1899859(581-586)Online publication date: 18-Jan-2010
Problem definition: Modern technologies have made it viable for firms to lower the costs of switching on and off production in response to market changes. In this paper, we explore how production start–stop flexibility impacts joint operating policies, ...
A bank closure policy problem is analysed in a mathematical model within a Black-Scholes framework where an appropriate notion of capital adequacy is introduced. The value of the deposit insurance liabilities and bank equity are derived. The effects of ...
The growing complexity and size of designs have driven chip implementation teams to adopt hierarchical design methodologies that divide-and-conquer the design closure task. Wherein, the large chip is partitioned into physical blocks with boundary ...
IEEE Computer Society
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