Cited By
View all- Jain JCauley SKoh CBalakrishnan VHirose F(2006)SASIMIProceedings of the 2006 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference10.1145/1118299.1118402(422-427)Online publication date: 24-Jan-2006
This paper presents a subcircuit compact model to study the dc characteristics of a partially depleted (PD) SOI laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (LDMOSFET) utilizing the HiSIM-HV compact model. Our model accounts both ...
We develop a non-quasi-static MOSFET compact model suitable for simulating RF circuits operating under GHz frequency. The model takes into account the carrier dynamics by incorporating the time delay for the carriers to form a channel. Both the time-...
This paper presents a sub-circuit model for partially depleted SOI drain extended MOSFETs (DEMOS) based on the HiSIM-HV model suitable for circuit simulator implementation. Our model accounts both for the high voltage and the floating body effects such ...
IEEE Computer Society
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