Cited By
View all- Trætteberg HAalberg TBurke MOrso ARobillard M(2006)JExerciseProceedings of the 2006 OOPSLA workshop on eclipse technology eXchange10.1145/1188835.1188850(70-74)Online publication date: 22-Oct-2006
This article presents our research on how a cross-language refactoring could be implemented in an Eclipse Plugin.
A non-Java language running on the Java virtual machine JVM interacts with Java code. Refactorings in either language might break the code ...
"Objects-first" is an increasingly popular strategy for teaching object-oriented programming by introducing the concepts of objects, classes, and instances before procedural elements of a programming language. Still, this approach emphasizes coding ...
"Objects-first" is an increasingly popular strategy for teaching object-oriented programming by introducing the concepts of objects, classes, and instances before procedural elements of a programming language. Still, this approach emphasizes coding ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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