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Enabling WCET-based composition of service-based real-time applications

Published: 01 July 2005 Publication History


This paper presents an approach towards a framework that enables the composition of real-time applications from existing ubiquitous services. This framework allows to announce services (specifying their QoS requirements in terms of real-time parameters, such as Worst Case Execution Time, WCET), to discover services that perform a certain functionality, and to select the set of those discovered services that will be part of the application to be created. Such service set selection is based on the fulfilment of the QoS requirements of the application. The framework supports static composition, i.e., all services required to create an application have to be discovered before launching the whole application. Finally, it is described the composition model used in the framework.


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Published In

cover image ACM SIGBED Review
ACM SIGBED Review  Volume 2, Issue 3
Special issue: The second workshop on high performance, fault adaptive, large scale embedded real-time systems (FALSE-II)
July 2005
39 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 2005
Published in SIGBED Volume 2, Issue 3

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