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Exploring "temperature-aware" design in low-power MPSoCs

Published: 06 March 2006 Publication History


The power density inside high performance systems continues to rise with every process technology generation, thereby increasing the operating temperature and creating "hot spots" on the die. As a result, the performance, reliability and power consumption of the system degrade. To avoid these "hot spots", "temperature-aware" design has become a must. For low-power embedded systems though, it is not clear whether similar thermal problems occur. These systems have very different characteristics from the high performance ones: they consume hundred times less power, they are based on a multi-processor architecture with lots of embedded memory and rely on cheap packaging solutions. In this paper, we investigate the need for temperature-aware design in a low-power systems-on-a-chip and provide guidlines to delimit the conditions for which temperature-aware design is needed.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
DATE '06: Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe: Proceedings
March 2006
1390 pages


  • EDAA: European Design Automation Association
  • The EDA Consortium
  • IEEE-CS\DATC: The IEEE Computer Society


European Design and Automation Association

Leuven, Belgium

Publication History

Published: 06 March 2006


  • Article

Acceptance Rates

DATE '06 Paper Acceptance Rate 267 of 834 submissions, 32%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 518 of 1,794 submissions, 29%


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Cited By

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  • (2010)High level event driven thermal estimation for thermal aware task allocation and schedulingProceedings of the 2010 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference10.5555/1899721.1899903(793-798)Online publication date: 18-Jan-2010
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