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Topological relationships between complex spatial objects

Published: 01 March 2006 Publication History


For a long time topological relationships between spatial objects have been a focus of research in a number of disciplines like artificial intelligence, cognitive science, linguistics, robotics, and spatial reasoning. Especially as predicates they support the design of suitable query languages for spatial data retrieval and analysis in spatial databases and geographical information systems (GIS). Unfortunately, they have so far only been defined for and applicable to simplified abstractions of spatial objects like single points, continuous lines, and simple regions. With the introduction of complex spatial data types an issue arises regarding the design, definition, and number of topological relationships operating on these complex types. This article closes this gap and first introduces definitions of general and versatile spatial data types for complex points, complex lines, and complex regions. Based on the well known 9-intersection model, it then determines the complete sets of mutually exclusive topological relationships for all type combinations. Completeness and mutual exclusion are shown by a proof technique called proof-by-constraint-and-drawing. Due to the resulting large numbers of predicates and the difficulty of handling them, the user is provided with the concepts of topological cluster predicates and topological predicate groups, which permit one to reduce the number of predicates to be dealt with in a user-defined and/or application-specific manner.


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  1. Topological relationships between complex spatial objects



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Database Systems
    ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 31, Issue 1
    March 2006
    438 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 March 2006
    Published in TODS Volume 31, Issue 1


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    Author Tags

    1. 9-intersection model
    2. Topological predicate
    3. complex spatial data type
    4. proof-by-constraint-and-drawing
    5. topological cluster predicate
    6. topological constraint rule
    7. topological predicate group


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