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Welcome to the second edition of the Workshop on Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks: from Theory to Reality, REALMAN 2006. This year the workshop is co-located with ACM MobiHoc 2006 and is sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE.Ad hoc networking technologies have big potentialities for innovative applications of great impact on our everyday life. To exploit these potentialities, simulation modeling and theoretical analyses have to be complemented by real experiences (e.g., measurements on real prototypes), which provide both a direct evaluation of ad hoc networks and, at the same time, precious information to realistically model these systems.In the last few years, researchers have increasingly regarded experimental studies as a key approach to understand the very features of multi-hop ad hoc networks, and eventually enable the adoption of this technology in the mass market. This stimulated a new community of researchers combining theoretical research on ad hoc networking with experiences/measurements obtained by implementing ad hoc network prototypes. The aim of REALMAN is to bring together these researchers.The response to the Call for Papers has shown that the REALMAN community is steadily increasing both in number and in quality. In response to the Call for Papers, we received 68 papers, addressing topics related to all fields of multi-hop ad hoc networking. Out of them, the Program Committee selected 12 papers for presentation in the workshop sessions. In addition, 3 papers have been selected for presentation in the poster session. In response to a separate Call for Demos, we received several interesting demo proposals. We have selected 10 proposals out of them to be demonstrated during the workshop. Finally, the REALMAN Program also includes a Keynote Speech given by Prof. Nitin H. Vaidya of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a panel. These figures show that, following the success of the first edition, REALMAN is establishing as a premiere forum for presenting and discussing measurement studies and experiences based on real ad hoc network test-beds and prototypes.
Proceeding Downloads
A real-world framework to evaluate cross-layer protocols for wireless multihop networks
The MAC layer implementation of today's commodity 802.11 wire-less network devices cannot easily be changed. But many cross-layer protocols for MANETs rely on a modified MAC layer. Therefore it is hard to test such protocols in real world environments. ...
Methods for restoring MAC layer fairness in IEEE 802.11 networks with physical layer capture
In this paper, we experimentally investigate the physical layer capture effect in off-the-shelf 802.11 network cards and confirm that it reduces throughput fairness of traffic flows. We then study the feasibility of using the following PHY and MAC layer ...
The real gain of cross-layer routing in wireless mesh networks
Efficient routing in wireless mesh networks is a fundamental issue to be addressed in order to boost real deployments bywireless Internet Service Providers (ISP). In last years, research has shown, mainly by simulation, that a cross-layerdesign can ...
Design and implementation of a multi-channel multi-interface network
The use of multiple wireless channels has been advocated as one approach for enhancing network capacity. In many scenarios, hosts will be equipped with fewer radio interfaces than available channels. Under these scenarios, several protocols, which ...
A community based mobility model for ad hoc network research
Validation of mobile ad hoc network protocols relies almost exclusively on simulation. The value of the validation is, therefore, highly dependent on how realistic the movement models used in the simulations are. Since there is a very limited number of ...
Analyzing the impact of mobility in ad hoc networks
The impact of mobility on the link and route lifetimes in ad hoc networks is of major importance for the design of efficient MAC and network layer protocols. Up to now, no real-life measurements were used to study the effect of node mobility on link and ...
OPT: online person tracking system for context-awareness in wireless personal network
Context aware systems are the order of the day. With the advent of low cost sensor networks and systems ambient intelligence is becoming more and more sought after feature. In this work, we present an Online Person Tracking (OPT) system for indoor ...
On profiling mobility and predicting locations of wireless users
In this paper, we analyze a year long wireless network users' mobility trace data collected on ETH Zurich campus. Unlike earlier work in [4,18], we profile the movement pattern of wireless users and predict their locations. More specifically, we show ...
TWIST: a scalable and reconfigurable testbed for wireless indoor experiments with sensor networks
We present TWIST, a scalable and exible testbed architecture for indoor deployment of wireless sensor networks. The design of TWIST is based on an analysis of typical and desirable use-cases. It provides basic services like node configuration, network-...
SpeckMAC: low-power decentralised MAC protocols for low data rate transmissions in specknets
This paper introduces SpeckMAC, a novel low-power distributed, unsynchronised, random-access MAC protocol for a wireless mobile ad-hoc network of miniature specks called specknet. Two variations of the SpeckMAC protocol were compared theoretically with ...
A supervised learning approach for routing optimizations in wireless sensor networks
Routing in sensor networks maintains information on neighbor states and potentially many other factors in order to make informed decisions. Challenges arise both in (a) performing accurate and adaptive information discovery and (b) processing/analyzing ...
Ad-hoc multicast routing on resource-limited sensor nodes
Many emerging sensor network applications involve mobile nodes with communication patterns requiring any-to-any routing topologies. We should be able to build upon the MANET work to implement these systems. However, translating these protocols into real ...
High-performance multi-radio WSN platform
This paper presents the design and implementation of a unique multi-radio Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) platform compared to current WSN nodes that have only one radio interface. Four independent, low energy radio transceivers allow simultaneous ...
AHR: a two-state adaptive mechanism for link connectivity maintenance in AODV
Real world MANET routing protocol implementations generally use layer three mechanisms for carrying out connectivity maintenance tasks. In many cases, such mechanisms are based on periodical transmission of Hello messages. When topology changes occur ...
Lessons gained from test beds of ad hoc networks and perspectives
Over the last few years we have deployed several ad hoc network test beds in France Telecom R&D premises. These test beds aim at understanding the behavior of ad hoc networks under realistic scenarios. They also provide accurate and understandable ...
A cross-layer protocol evaluation framework on ESB nodes
Due to the fact that the MAC layer of commodity 802.11 wire-less network devices is usually realized in a proprietary firmware module, it is difficult to conduct real world evaluations of novel MANET cross-layer protocols that require a modified MAC ...
Backup and bypass: introducing DTN-based ad-hoc networking to mobile phones
Today's powerful networked personal computing devices offer a solid technical basis for mobile ad-hoc networking in support of consumer applications independent of operator networks. However,running Internet protocols directly on top ad-hoc routing ...
The real gain of cross-layer routing in wireless mesh networks
Despite the large amount of research performed on wireless networking, test-beds are still limited in number and size. This paper shows the results of our efforts in building and deploying a test-bed, using the Wireless Mesh Net-work (WMN) architecture. ...
On-demand software management in sensor networks using profiling techniques
The heterogeneity and dynamics in terms of hardware and software configurations is steadily increasing in sensor networks. Therefore, software management is becoming one of the most prominent challenges in this domain. We developed a profile-based ...
Fast and flexible tool for the generation, maintenance and evaluation of hierarchical structures in diverse networks
The size and dynamics of modern network environments prohibit the application of protocols in large flat networks due to their inability to scale. Hierarchy has proven a successful scaling tool, dividing the network into multiple subsets (domains), ...
OPT: online person tracking system for context-awareness in wireless personal network
Context aware systems are the order of the day. With the advent of low cost sensor networks and systems ambient intelligence is becoming more and more sought after feature. In this work, we present an Online Person Tracking (OPT) system for indoor ...
Perspeckz-64: physical test-bed for performance evaluation of MAC and networking qlgorithms for specknets
This paper describes a physical test-bed for evaluating the performance of MAC and networking algorithms targeted at a network of specks called the specknet. The Perspeckz-64 is a workbench available to researchers to conduct experiments remotely on an ...
A reliable sensor data collection network using unmanned aircraft
This paper presents a method for reliably collecting data events from sensors and forwarding the data via a MANET to sensor monitoring stations located on an external network. A the core is a MANET concept that consists of ground and unmanned aircraf ...
Demonstrating seamless handover of multi-hop networks
Traditionally, global network mobility problem is addressed at networking layer. However, none of these solution is designed for supporting seamless horizontal and vertical handover. The demonstrated solution, called WiOptiMo, provides always-on, ...
Demonstration of worldsens: a fast prototyping and performance evaluation of wireless sensor network applications & protocols
We present Worldsens, a complete environment for fast prototyping of wireless sensor protocols and applications. Our environment proposes a full simulation platform with both embedded software instruction and radio packet accuracy. We propose a ...