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10.1145/1134760.1134776acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesveeConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Relative factors in performance analysis of Java virtual machines

Published: 14 June 2006 Publication History


Many new Java runtime optimizations report relatively small, single-digit performance improvements. On modern virtual and actual hardware, however, the performance impact of an optimization can be influenced by a variety of factors in the underlying systems. Using a case study of a new garbage collection optimization in two different Java virtual machines, we show the relative effects of issues that must be taken into consideration when claiming an improvement. We examine the specific and overall performance changes due to our optimization and show how unintended side-effects can contribute to, and distort the final assessment. Our experience shows that VM and hardware concerns can generate variances of up to 9.5% in whole program execution time. Consideration of these confounding effects is critical to a good, objective understanding of Java performance and optimization.


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  1. Relative factors in performance analysis of Java virtual machines



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        cover image ACM Conferences
        VEE '06: Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Virtual execution environments
        June 2006
        194 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Published: 14 June 2006


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        1. Java
        2. caches
        3. garbage collection
        4. hardware counters
        5. performance analysis


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