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Object location using path separators

Published: 23 July 2006 Publication History


We study a novel separator property called k-path separable. Roughly speaking, a k-path separable graph can be recursively separated into smaller components by sequentially removing k shortest paths. Our main result is that every minor free weighted graph is k-path separable. We then show that k-path separable graphs can be used to solve several object location problems: (1) a small-worldization with an average poly-logarithmic number of hops; (2) an (1 + ε)-approximate distance labeling scheme with O(log n) space labels; (3) a stretch-(1 + ε) compact routing scheme with tables of poly-logarithmic space; (4) an (1 + ε)-approximate distance oracle with O(n log n) space and O(log n) query time. Our results generalizes to much wider classes of weighted graphs, namely to bounded-dimension isometric sparable graphs.


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PODC '06: Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing
July 2006
230 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 23 July 2006


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  1. compact routing
  2. excluded minor
  3. separator


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