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View all- Menin AMaillot PFaron CCorby OFreitas CGandon FWinckler M(2023)LDViz: A Tool to Assist the Multidimensional Exploration of SPARQL EndpointsWeb Information Systems and Technologies10.1007/978-3-031-24197-0_9(149-173)Online publication date: 18-Jan-2023
- Destandau MAppert CPietriga E(2021)S-PathsSemantic Web10.3233/SW-20038312:1(99-116)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2021
- Menin AMichel FGandon FGazzotti RCabrio ECorby OGiboin AMarro SMayer TVillata SWinckler M(2021)Covid-on-the-Web: Exploring the COVID-19 scientific literature through visualization of linked data from entity and argument miningQuantitative Science Studies10.1162/qss_a_001642:4(1301-1323)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2021
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