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A study on success factors of logistics IT companies

Published: 13 August 2006 Publication History


Under this economic circumstance, the logistics firms located in port take better advantages than those in other areas. This study observed those firms with consciousness to which matters were affected a growth of the logistics IT firms. This study considered in terms of three factors which are an economic factor, a political factor and an internal-ability factor for the matters of logistics IT firms' success through the factor analysis. According to the factor analysis, subjective factors showed positive: (1) expanding market through the ideas and abilities, (2) internal relations and government support (3) capability of market identification and focusing on regional industrialization. As a result of the internal ability analysis, there were three positive matters such as (1) a factor of organization or human resource management, (2) relationship with consumer and resource and management ability for strategy, and (3) developing unique product, networking, suitable goods of regional industrialization. The external factor, through the factor analysis was turned out (1) an emerged political factor such as a support up venture, cluster composition, investing R&D and specialist training, (2) economic factor such as tax reduction, financial support, marketing collaboration, and renting office in a low price by regional government.


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  1. A study on success factors of logistics IT companies



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    ICEC '06: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Electronic commerce: The new e-commerce: innovations for conquering current barriers, obstacles and limitations to conducting successful business on the internet
    August 2006
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