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RepLib: a library for derivable type classes

Published: 17 September 2006 Publication History


Some type class instances can be automatically derived from the structure of types. As a result, the Haskell language includes the "deriving" mechanism to automatic generates such instances for a small number of built-in type classes. In this paper, we present RepLib, a GHC library that enables a similar mechanism for arbitrary type classes. Users of RepLib can define the relationship between the structure of a datatype and the associated instance declaration by a normal Haskell functions that pattern-matches a representation type. Furthermore, operations defined in this manner are extensible-instances for specific types not defined by type structure may also be incorporated. Finally, this library also supports the definition of operations defined by parameterized types.


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cover image ACM Conferences
Haskell '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Haskell
September 2006
131 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 17 September 2006


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  1. GADT
  2. datatype-generic programming
  3. representation types
  4. type-indexed programming


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