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10.1145/1163673.1163681acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmswimConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Priority based adaptive coordination of wireless sensors and actors

Published: 02 October 2006 Publication History


Wireless sensor and actor networks are comprised of a large number of small, fully autonomous computing, communication, sensing and actuation devices, with very restricted energy and computing capabilities. Such devices co-operate to accomplish a large sensing and acting task. Sensors gather information for an event in the physical world and notify the actors that perform appropriate actions by making a decision on receipt of the sensed information. Such networks can be very useful in practice i.e. in the local detection of remote crucial events and the propagation of relevant data to decision centers that perform appropriate actions upon the environment, thus realizing sensing and acting from a distanceIn this work we present a communication protocol that enables scalable, energy efficient and fault tolerant coordination while allowing to prioritize sensing tasks in situated wireless sensor and actor networks. The sensors react locally on environment and context changes and interact with each other in order to adjust the performance of the network in terms of energy, latency and success rate on a per-task basis. To deal with the increased complexity of such large-scale systems, our protocol pulls some additional knowledge about the network in order to subsequently improve data forwarding towards the actors. We implement and evaluate the protocol using large scale simulation, showing its suitability in networks where sensor to actor and actor to actor coordination are important for accomplishing tasks of different priorities


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  1. Priority based adaptive coordination of wireless sensors and actors



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      Q2SWinet '06: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Quality of service & security for wireless and mobile networks
      October 2006
      146 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 02 October 2006


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      Author Tags

      1. actor networks
      2. data propagation
      3. performance evaluation
      4. wireless sensor


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      • (2011)Integrated context-aware and cloud-based adaptive home screens for android phonesProceedings of the 14th international conference on Human-computer interaction: interaction techniques and environments - Volume Part II10.5555/2022466.2022517(427-435)Online publication date: 9-Jul-2011
      • (2011)Modelling and analysis of strategies in the design of WSAN coordination systemsJournal of Parallel and Distributed Computing10.1016/j.jpdc.2011.03.00871:7(1055-1064)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2011
      • (2008)A middleware framework for market-based actuator coordination in sensor and actuator networksProceedings of the 5th international conference on Pervasive services10.1145/1387269.1387288(101-110)Online publication date: 6-Jul-2008
      • (2008)SeNDORCommProceedings of the 2008 Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems10.1109/SRDS.2008.29(23-32)Online publication date: 6-Oct-2008

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