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An analytical model based on G/M/1 with self-similar input to provide end-to-end QoS in 3G networks

Published: 02 October 2006 Publication History


The dramatic increase in demand for wireless Internet access has lead to the introduction of new wireless architectures and systems including 3G, Wi-Fi and WiMAX. 3G systems such as UMTS and CDMA2000 are leaning towards an all-IP architecture for transporting IP multimedia services, mainly due to its scalability and promising capability of inter-working heterogeneous wireless access networks. During the last ten years, substantial work has been done to understand the nature of wired IP traffic and it has been proven that IP traffic exhibits self-similar properties and burstiness over a large range of time scales. Recently, because of the large deployment of new wireless architectures, researchers have focused their attention towards understanding the nature of traffic carried by different wireless architecture and early studies have shown that wireless data traffic also exhibits strong long-range dependency. Thus, the classical tele-traffic theory based on a simple Markovian process cannot be used to evaluate the performance of wireless networks. Unfortunately, the area of understanding and modeling of different kinds of wireless traffic is still immature which constitutes a problem since it is crucial to guarantee tight bound QoS parameters to heterogeneous end users of the mobile Internet. In this paper, we make several contributions to the accurate modeling of wireless IP traffic by presenting a novel analytical model that takes into account four different classes of self-similar traffic. The model consists of four queues and is based on a G/M/1 queueing system. We analyze it on the basis of priority with no preemption and find exact packet delays. To date, no closed form expressions have been presented for G/M/1 with priority.


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MobiWac '06: Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on Mobility management and wireless access
October 2006
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Published: 02 October 2006


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