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10.1145/1166253.1166275acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesuistConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Translating keyword commands into executable code

Published: 15 October 2006 Publication History


Modern applications provide interfaces for scripting, but many users do not know how to write script commands. However, many users are familiar with the idea of entering keywords into a web search engine. Hence, if a user is familiar with the vocabulary of an application domain, we anticipate that they could write a set of keywords expressing a command in that domain. For instance, in the web browsing domain, a user might enter <B>click search button</B>. We call expressions of this form keyword commands, and we present a novel approach for translating keyword commands directly into executable code. Our prototype of this system in the web browsing domain translates <B>click search button</B> into the Chickenfoot code <B>click(findButton("search"))</B>. This code is then executed in the context of a web browser to carry out the effect. We also present an implementation of this system in the domain of Microsoft Word. A user study revealed that subjects could use keyword commands to successfully complete 90% of the web browsing tasks in our study without instructions or training. Conversely, we would expect users to complete close to 0% of the tasks if they had to guess the underlying JavaScript commands with no instructions or training.

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UIST '06: Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology
October 2006
354 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 15 October 2006


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  1. command languages
  2. end-user programming
  3. natural language processing
  4. web automation


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