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Intelligent storage: Cross-layer optimization for soft real-time workload

Published: 01 August 2006 Publication History


In this work, we develop an intelligent storage system framework for soft real-time applications. Modern software systems consist of a collection of layers and information exchange across the layers is performed via well-defined interfaces. Due to the strictness and inflexibility of interface definition, it is not possible to pass the information specific to one layer to other layers. In practice, the exploitation of this information across the layers can greatly enhance the performance, reliability, and manageability of the system. We address the limitation of legacy interface definition via enabling intelligence in the storage system. The objective is to enable the lower-layer entity, for example, a physical or block device, to conjecture the semantic and contextual information of that application behavior which cannot be passed via the legacy interface. Based upon the knowledge obtained by the intelligence module, the system can perform a number of actions to improve the performance, reliability, security, and manageability of the system. Our intelligence storage system focuses on optimizing the I/O subsystem performance for a soft real-time application. Our intelligence framework consists of three components: the workload monitor, workload analyzer, and system optimizer. The workload monitor maintains a window of recent I/O requests and extracts feature vectors in regular intervals. The workload analyzer is trained to determine the class of the incoming workload by using the feature vector. The system optimizer performs various actions to tune the storage system for a given workload. We use confidence rate boosting to train the workload analyzer. This sophisticated learner achieves a higher than 97% accuracy of workload class prediction. We develop a prototype intelligence storage system on the legacy operating system platform. The system optimizer performs; (1) dynamic adjustment of the file-system-level read-ahead size; (2) dynamic adjustment of I/O request size; and (3) filtering of I/O requests. We examine the effect of this autonomic optimization via experimentation. We find that the storage level pro-active optimization greatly enhances the efficiency of the underlying storage system. The sophisticated intelligence module developed in this work does not restrict its usage for performance optimization. It can be effectively used as classification engine for generic autonomic computing environment, i.e. management, diagnosis, security and etc.


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ACM Transactions on Storage  Volume 2, Issue 3
August 2006
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Published: 01 August 2006
Published in TOS Volume 2, Issue 3


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  1. Intelligence
  2. autonomic computing
  3. boosting
  4. cross layer optimization
  5. file system
  6. machine learning
  7. multimedia
  8. storage


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