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10.1145/1173706.1173725acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesgpceConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A generic annotation inference algorithm for the safety certification of automatically generated code

Published: 22 October 2006 Publication History


Code generators for realistic application domains are not directly verifiable in practice. In the certifiable code generation approach the generator is extended to generate logical annotations (i.e., pre- and postconditions and loop invariants) along with the programs, allowing fully automated program proofs of different safety properties. However, this requires access to the generator sources, and remains difficult to implement and maintain because the annotations are cross-cutting concerns, both on the object-level (i.e., in the generated code) and on the meta-level (i.e., in the generator).Here we describe a new generic post-generation annotation inference algorithm that circumvents these problems. We exploit the fact that the output of a code generator is highly idiomatic, so that patterns can be used to describe all code constructs that require annotations. The patterns are specific to the idioms of the targeted code generator and to the safety property to be shown, but the algorithm itself remains generic. It is based on a pattern matcher used to identify instances of the idioms and build a property-specific abstracted control flow graph, and a graph traversal that follows the paths from the use nodes backwards to all corresponding definitions, annotating the statements along these paths. This core is instantiated for two generators and successfully applied to automatically certify initialization safety for a range of generated programs.


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cover image ACM Conferences
GPCE '06: Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Generative programming and component engineering
October 2006
310 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 22 October 2006


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Author Tags

  1. automated code generation
  2. automated theorem proving
  3. hoare calculus
  4. logical annotations
  5. program verification
  6. software certification


  • Article


GPCE06: Generative Programming and Component Engineering 2006
October 22 - 26, 2006
Oregon, Portland, USA

Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 56 of 180 submissions, 31%


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  • (2014)Verifying while loops with invariant relationsInternational Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems10.1504/IJCCBS.2014.0595965:1/2(78-102)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2014
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