Cited By
View all- Lei Hsieh MHolden H(2008)A university library laptop lending service: an analysis using two student surveysLibrary Hi Tech10.1108/0737883081090334626:3(424-439)Online publication date: 5-Sep-2008
This study investigated ownership and on-campus use of laptops, tablets, and smartphones, using survey information on Dutch university students. We show that 96% of students own at least one of these mobile IT devices (i.e., a laptop, tablet, or ...
As people increasingly own multiple mobile and portable devices (such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops), situations where several devices are used together have become more common. A frequent problem in such situations is how to move virtual visual ...
Whilst portable computers, such as laptops, notepads, personal assistants or smart phones, are now ubiquitous, their value as a tool in a learning environment is still an issue of considerable debate. This research studied the use of laptops as a ...
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