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Testing context-aware middleware-centric programs: a data flow approach and an RFID-based experimentation

Published: 05 November 2006 Publication History


Pervasive context-aware software is an emerging kind of application. Many of these systems register parts of their context-aware logic in the middleware. On the other hand, most conventional testing techniques do not consider such kind of application logic. This paper proposes a novel family of testing criteria to measure the comprehensiveness of their test sets. It stems from context-aware data flow information. Firstly, it studies the evolution of contexts, which are environmental information relevant to an application program. It then proposes context-aware data flow associations and testing criteria. Corresponding algorithms are given. It uses a prototype testing tool to conduct experimentation on an RFID-based location sensing software running on top of context-aware middleware. The experimental results show that our approach is applicable, effective, and promising.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SIGSOFT '06/FSE-14: Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering
November 2006
298 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 05 November 2006


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