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10.1145/1186562.1015778acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessiggraphConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Flash photography enhancement via intrinsic relighting

Published: 01 August 2004 Publication History


We enhance photographs shot in dark environments by combining a picture taken with the available light and one taken with the flash. We preserve the ambiance of the original lighting and insert the sharpness from the flash image. We use the bilateral filter to decompose the images into detail and large scale. We reconstruct the image using the large scale of the available lighting and the detail of the flash. We detect and correct flash shadows. This combines the advantages of available illumination and flash photography.

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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
August 2004
684 pages
  • Editor:
  • Joe Marks
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 August 2004


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Author Tags

  1. Computational photography
  2. bilateral filtering
  3. flash photography
  4. image fusion
  5. relighting
  6. tone mapping


  • Article



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SIGGRAPH '04 Paper Acceptance Rate 83 of 478 submissions, 17%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 1,822 of 8,601 submissions, 21%


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