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An empirical comparison between direct and indirect test result checking approaches

Published: 06 November 2006 Publication History


An oracle on software testing is a mechanism for checking whether the system under test has behaved correctly for any executions. In some situations, oracles are unavailable or too expensive to apply. This is known as the oracle problem. It is crucial to develop techniques to address it, and metamorphic testing (MT) was one of such proposals. This paper conducts a controlled experiment to investigate the cost effectiveness of using MT by 38 testers on three open-source programs. The fault detection capability and time cost of MT are compared with the popular assertion checking method. Our results show that MT is cost-efficient and has potentials for detecting more faults than the assertion checking method.


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SOQUA '06: Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Software quality assurance
November 2006
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 06 November 2006


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  1. controlled experiment
  2. empirical evaluation
  3. metamorphic testing
  4. test oracle


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